stuck? hints + solutions

hey everyone, i thought i'd write up a little guide in case you get stuck! the topics are organized by character, and each one has a hint or two followed by the full solution. highlight the text to read it. at the bottom is a map to help with navigation.

if you're still having trouble or have something to add, feel free to comment here or on the game page :)


i can't find any of the locations or characters you're talking about...

solution: i'm sorry, the navigation is a bit funky ;_; make sure to mouse over the edges of each screen to see if you can go that direction. in some cases, the path forward is behind you. check the map at the bottom of the guide for more help.

how do i get through the door next to kyungsoon?

hint #1: kyungsoon seems reluctant to give you the key... maybe you can do something for her in exchange?
solution: check out a book from oliver, give it to kyungsoon, then talk to oliver again

how do i get into the vent?

hint #1: looks like you need a screwdriver to loosen the cover
hint #2: the screwdriver is somewhere near the garden...
solution: the screwdriver is on a shelf in the room with numa, above the flowerbed

how do i get into the house with the doorbell?

hint #1: the moth seems to be fast asleep... maybe there's another entrance?
hint #2: you may not be able to get into the house till you explore more of purrgatory
solution: go all the way through the meowseum, up the escalator, and through the warehouse. there's a back entrance to the house with a little stained glass window next to it

how do i get into the meowseum?

hint #1: maybe some characters nearby have an idea...
solution: ask elijah and sean. if you still need help, see "where's the poem in the park?"

how do i get up the escalator?

solution: this isn't a puzzle! click on the top right of the screen

i'm waiting for something to happen, but i don't have anything else to do in the meanwhile -- what should i do??

solution: time passes in purrgatory whenever you move from one room to another. if all else fails, just walk back and forth for a while! depending on what you're waiting for, it should take anywhere from 20-50 clicks

i helped every character in purrgatory. now what?

hint #1: what's left in your inventory?
hint #2: have you returned natalie's books to oliver yet?
solution: return natalie's books to oliver to get a business card. then call the number on the card

how do i dial this stinking phone number?

hint #1: try converting each letter to a number
solution: enter "5555824387" and press dial. this wasn't meant to be a puzzle -- i didn't realize this type of phone number wasn't common knowledge!

are there multiple endings? how do you get the good ending?

hint #1: yes, there are multiple endings :3
hint #2: did you help everyone you could?
solution: look at the pause menu while in game. if you've completed a character's story arc, you'll see their head in color. if you've met them but not completed their story arc, you'll see their head in black and white. to get the good ending, you have to get all seven colored heads, then call lucifur

what do i do with the snowglobes?

hint #1: the snowglobes are purely for an easter egg -- they're not necessary to beat the game
hint #2: you need to find a place where it looks like seven objects are missing...
solution: bring them to the indented table next to the escalator

i'm missing a snowglobe!

hint #1: have you checked the library closely?
hint #2: have you checked the closet?
hint #3: have you checked the lockers?
solution: the snowglobes are in the following locations: a shelf in the library; the lockers outside the commons; the closet with the electrical box; the back room of the meowseum; the bedroom outside of natalie's attic; buried under the X during tori's digging minigame; in the dropoff during tori's climbing minigame

what do i do with the ladder?

hint #1: maybe you could use it to reach an object that's far from the ground?
hint #2: maybe somewhere near the escalator?
solution: you can use the ladder to get the cat toy in the warehouse


how do i get started on her story arc?

hint #1: she doesn't seem very chatty... maybe it's better to focus on someone else for now
solution: kyungsoon is part of numa's story arc. focus on numa first!


how do i get started on his story arc?

hint #1: try chatting with him and see what comes up!
solution: ask him about his work, then ask if you can help

where's his study?

hint #1: a previously locked area might have opened up somewhere...
hint #2: it's somewhere in the library
solution: it's behind the door in the library room with the statue of david

i've never seen this this owl lady before -- where is she?

hint #1: she quite far away from the library; it might be best to return to this errand once you've explored more of purrgatory
hint #2: she likes to hang out near the warehouse
solution: go out the back door of the meowseum, up the escalator, through the warehouse, and into a train station

where do i find orange soda?

hint #1: it's conveniently located for parched pianists :3
solution: go to the meow keyboard, then go up the stairs

where do i find a cup?

hint #1: what kind of place would you usually find a cup?
hint #2: check near natalie's place
solution: go into the house (either by going through the door with the doorbell, or by going through the warehouse) and check the kitchen on the right side


how do i get started on her story arc?

hint #1: she seems reluctant to open up... maybe if you explore purrgatory thoroughly, something relevant to her will come up
hint #2: when you ask her if she spends all her time gardening, she mentions she has a room somewhere. wonder where it is?
solution: get into the vent near the park and explore what's inside -- you'll run into numa soon enough. if you need help getting into the vent, see "how do i get into the vent?"

this flower minigame is too hard!

solution: if you fail the minigame twice and offer to help one more time, numa will give you an option to skip the minigame

how do i help with poetry?

hint #1: who in purrgatory has experience writing poetry?
solution: go talk to elijah!

how do i help with food?

hint #1: sometimes the direct solution is best
solution: ask kyungsoon what her favorite food is

what do i do if she shuts herself in her vent?

solution: maybe talk to kyungsoon instead...


how do i get started on his story arc?

hint #1: you need to get into the meowseum first!
hint #2: when you ask him if he needs any help sweeping, he has some advice for you. maybe you should take it!
solution: meet all seven characters in purrgatory, then return to elijah. keep chatting with him and you'll discover the way forward

where's the poem in the park?

hint #1: there's a piece of paper somewhere in the park...
hint #2: have you checked near the fence?
solution: it's under the fence in the room with the big hill. read it, then talk to sean and elijah again

where's the bell i'm supposed to ring?

hint #1: check near the start of the game...
solution: go to the room that you started in, the one that says "welcome to purrgatory". go forward until you reach the T intersection, then turn right. oh, and make sure to click on the rope instead of the bell itself

where did he lose the poem for the slam?

hint #1: what location did he mention when he asked you for help?
hint #2: maybe you should find elijah and check up with him...
solution: talk to elijah in the entry hall of the house (behind the door with the doorbell). the poem is stuck to the bottom of his foot


how do i get started on his story arc?

hint #1: have you explored the meowseum and hung out with him at the meow piano yet?
hint #2: he and elijah are pretty close -- maybe talking to elijah will help you move forward with sean
solution: you can get pretty far in sean's story just by talking to him at the piano, but to complete the story, you need to plan a certain event with elijah. then you'll be able to invite sean to it

where are the batteries?

hint #1: one of them is near the keyboard...
hint #2: the other one is near natalie's place...
solution: one of them is in the closet with the electrical box, just up the stairs from the keyboard. the other one is on a table in the house with the doorbell

how do i convince him to join the slam?

hint #1: maybe you can warm him up to the idea by chatting with him first...
solution: play the keyboard with him, then ask about dani. after that, he'll accept the invitation.


where the heck did she go?

hint #1: what's the last thing she said to you in the last place you hung out? there may have been a hint in there somewhere...
solution: she can be found in the following locations, in order: the train station near the warehouse, the graveyard in the garden, the closet near the meow piano, the dropoff at the end of the cave, and the top of the spiral staircase in the warehouse

i can't find all the dig spots in the park!

solution: there are three spots in the room with the doorway on the right; two spots in the room with the graveyard; four spots in the room with the broken-down shack; two spots in the room with the bench; two spots in the room with the doorway to the front; and three spots in the room with the hill

where can i find a light source?

hint #1: it might not be a flashlight...
hint #2: who in purrgatory is attracted to light?
solution: go to natalie's attic and talk to natalie to borrow a candle

this wire puzzle is impossible!

solution: if you wait for a while, you'll be given an option to skip the puzzle

i can't go any deeper into the pit!

hint #1: is there something you can click on?
solution: click on "lucifur wuz here too"

how do i get through the door that won't budge?

solution: you can't! if you got tori to sit down, you're done with her storyline -- no need to wait


where is she? how do i get into her house?

hint #1: natalie's house has a back exit -- have you explored all of purrgatory yet?
solution: here's the path: exit the back of the museum, go up the escalator (click on the top right of the screen!), go through the warehouse, enter natalie's house through the back door, then find her attic

how do i get started on her story arc?

hint #1: chat with her about her attic -- does she mention anything you could follow up on?
hint #2: if you've already returned the draw-a-paw, try asking her how her drawing's going. if you've already done that, then patience is the key ;)
solution: find her draw-a-paw, return it, then ask about her drawing. then, you need to wait while she works on it -- maybe go chat with someone else in the meantime

where's the draw-a-paw?

hint #1: did you check the meowseum?
hint #2: it's half-hidden behind something else
solution:  it's on the floor of the room with the famous paintings

map of purrgatory - click to enlarge

I hope this map helps soothe your directional woes! Note that upward in the map doesn't always correspond to forward in the game. This is because your point of view sometimes rotates by 90 degrees as you move between rooms. This is, in turn, because I didn't plan out the game very well. (Sorry)

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Go too the beginning and then you will the a arow saying "commons" and one saying "hell" go too the one without a arrow

OMG ty girl

i cant seem to open my inventory (granted, I'm on the web browser and not the app.) is there a way to fix this?

I encountered this issue.   Easiest way to fix this on the web browser is to click the "max screen" button in the bottom right corner.   Then the Inventory button won't be buggy like it is inside the web browser box.

thank you!!

tysm for making all these hints.. i love games like this but i am a little stupid when it comes to solving puzzles/searching for things. i got an amazing experience from this game!! the effort put into it is all worthwhile  <3

I am seriously strugglebussing but I love this game so much so far :3

help numa get flowers, poetry, and food for kyunsoon is on my to-do list, but when i talk to kyunsoon there's no prompt to ask what her favourite food is. how do i complete it?


you need to talk to numa about it first, then kyungsoon!

thank you i was so stuck


how do you save natalie and sean? they deserve it the most ofc :3

doing elijah's arc also saves sean


where do i find the light source ???????????? i literally can't find it ANYWHERE and idk if its in the door that wont move room up that staircase

check natalie's room, she has a buncha candles.


thank you for these hints/solutions!! i missed this when i first read the description and struggled for way too long at the beginning 😭

i can't tell if i finished Natalie's story quest because her icon on the menu doesn't change colors. Tori and Natalie are talking about the comic Natalie made, and the to-do list doesn't show anything, does this mean I'm done?

hihi im suck on the same part, i rlly wanna save natalie i really like her so i was hoping you had any luck since its been a few days^^

i have! you just need to wait a while and they should disappear!

I can't figure out where the closet with the electrical box is, can someone help me?

I found it!!


I played the game and finished it too fast... and then i realised i did the bad ending



Does Sean ever see Dani again in heaven????

i cant find numa and kungsoon to invite them to the slam :(

they are in the place you met tori, if they are not there, they are in ramdom places idont remember but the frist one is in commons

kungsoon is in the commons, numa is in the garden, go along the place with the sidewalk

If you completed their story, then they tend to move around Purrgatory and visit various places.  Search around then you can talk to them and they will join as a pair.   Hardest place to miss them is the train area of the warehouse or the entrance hallway to Natalie's house.

If their story is not completed, Kungsoon will likely be in the main commons room and Numa will be in her garden.

i cant get the glass for loviers orange juse thing please help

is in the house

oh also is there anywhere you can get the sprites for the characters? 

if not ill probably go through the game and collect em heheh, if that's alright of course !!

i cried way too much playing this game. the fact that some of them where queer and i grew up in a toxic religious environment also made me so happy. 

this game changed my life, like genuinely. you did a spectacular job !

i replay through it all the time, completing everything and i have save points at different stages.

i also listen to purrgatory blues on repeat all the time. this game is chefs kiss and its so comforting for some reason <3

how do i get a glass for oliver? the cat smashed it

you just dont ! you have to return to oliver empty handed :3

your character litterally said: i need to tell oliver that he is not getting orange soda anymore

there is 3 digging spots i cant find !! ive been around the whole park putting my cursor over the whole place, even tried resetting the page, and theres 3 i cant get to/find!


go to youtube and find a playthrougth

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