This ate my whole afternoon and I loved it. The one next to the bottom left took me ages and was then blindingly obvious. The bottom right is my favourite: I thought I was going down a blind alley, squinted at what I'd drawn and realised it was the answer.
i really appreciate it! i'm not sure how to enable payment when there's no download button, so if you want to toss me a few bucks you could buy one of my other projects that does have payment enabled:
someone seems to have edited the puzzle, adding solutions to the first three-ish puzzles, despite it being in read-only mode. could you please fix this?
that was amazing... even though i couldn't solve some of these (notably the second from the bottom-left, i wish i got that one cause the solution is astonishingly beautiful), i really enjoyed the ones i could solve. stunning, bravo!
This was one of the best rule discovery puzzles i've encountered.
I managed to solve all of them except the second one from the left on the bottom (and looking at the solution... [V jnf abg rkcrpgvat bcrengvbaf lbh pna'g rnfvyl rkcerff va n fcernqfurrg]).
The top-right-most one took some errors to solve, [naq V nyzbfg qvqa'g pbagvahr gb gur guveq vgrengvba]. The second one from the bottom on the left also took a lot of time [orsber v abgvprq gur ercrngvat havdhrarff], the rest weren't very difficult but still very interesting.
Legitimately the most fun I've had with an enigmatic/hunt-style puzzle in a long time! Really loved that every part of it felt approachable, whilst also staying cohesive in theme. Just awesome work all around.
Also I'm delighted to hear that Ultraviolet Puzzle Challenge was an inspiration for this, it's a style that I'm really fond of so it's exciting to be on the receiving end of it for a change!
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This ate my whole afternoon and I loved it. The one next to the bottom left took me ages and was then blindingly obvious. The bottom right is my favourite: I thought I was going down a blind alley, squinted at what I'd drawn and realised it was the answer.
Afternoon well-spent, thank you!
You must have full solved then, amazing! Glad you enjoyed :D
This is extremely nice, thanks! Maybe you could add a way to donate or buy you a coffee? I would be glad to pay few bucks for this experience ๐
i really appreciate it! i'm not sure how to enable payment when there's no download button, so if you want to toss me a few bucks you could buy one of my other projects that does have payment enabled:
someone seems to have edited the puzzle, adding solutions to the first three-ish puzzles, despite it being in read-only mode. could you please fix this?
Could you make one on excel?
I can't edit here
that was amazing... even though i couldn't solve some of these (notably the second from the bottom-left, i wish i got that one cause the solution is astonishingly beautiful), i really enjoyed the ones i could solve. stunning, bravo!
I love this kind of puzzles, you did a great job job there, I really haven't enjoyed a puzzle like this for a long time, keep up the good work!!
This was one of the best rule discovery puzzles i've encountered.
I managed to solve all of them except the second one from the left on the bottom (and looking at the solution... [V jnf abg rkcrpgvat bcrengvbaf lbh pna'g rnfvyl rkcerff va n fcernqfurrg]).
The top-right-most one took some errors to solve, [naq V nyzbfg qvqa'g pbagvahr gb gur guveq vgrengvba]. The second one from the bottom on the left also took a lot of time [orsber v abgvprq gur ercrngvat havdhrarff], the rest weren't very difficult but still very interesting.
others have expressed similar sentiments about the second one from the left on the bottom >w<
This looks good
anyone know anything else that's kind of like this? it looked really cool to solve but i got spoiled already :(
excellent solving :D
Legitimately the most fun I've had with an enigmatic/hunt-style puzzle in a long time! Really loved that every part of it felt approachable, whilst also staying cohesive in theme. Just awesome work all around.
Also I'm delighted to hear that Ultraviolet Puzzle Challenge was an inspiration for this, it's a style that I'm really fond of so it's exciting to be on the receiving end of it for a change!
Really good puzzles! I especially like the thing mentioned in the fourth spoiler.
honored to have witnessed this!
holy fuck
new niv stuff