Purrgatory was an absolute joy to play. Exceptionally fun dialogue, a super chill BGM, and an incredibly cute art-style to boot. It was a bit confusing navigating through Purrgatory but the charm behind the game kept me going.
I just put up the first part of my playthrough, and I'll probably get down to completing the game next week once I have the time to record again.
Really glad I got this as part of the Queer Games Bundle π
Hello! my game is having a issue, when i press the load button, my game just crashes. I tried to re-install the game but it don't works, i tried to install it on steam too, but the same thing happened, maybe my game data corrupted? is there a way to solve it?
Oh shoot, I'm sorry about that. If you're on Windows, go to C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\purrgatory and delete everything in the folder, replacing (Username) with your own username. That should fix it.
I love endings like the one you used, always have. It leaves everything open to imagination. While it does suck that there's not a part two (how could I not want one? I love all the characters and the story as a whole), I do still think it was the best choice to give a definitive "goodbye" instead of a "the end?" People are all too afraid to close the book. But if Niv wanted to continue, I don't think I would be opposed to that haha
I read a lot of visual novels, and I genuinely mean it when I say this is up there in one of the best, if not the best. I love each one of the characters, everyone is very 3 dimensional, and I absolutely love that you can make your main character be more you. Not just with pronouns, but also with the whole flashback idea, the ability to come up with a character that feels more yourself is absolutely wonderful, and I feel like it should be put into more games, definitely.
The only complaint I have with the vn is that it ended, that's all. It's perfect in every way and I think people need to take notes, especially when it comes to writing characters.
i loved this game so much the ending i got is so sweet im crying i love this so much i love all the characters aaaa this is def one of the best games ive ever played! :)
I enjoyed the characters quite a lot, but not so much the wandering around and getting turned around at times when the view direction changes, so I got lost a lot of the time trying to vaguely remember where I was supposed to go. I also got the worst ending apparently. :(
HI there, would you like me to translate your game into Esperanto for free? I'm just looking to help the Esperanto community out by getting some more games into the language.
that sounds super cool, but i'll have to pass... due to a variety of factors, implementing a new translation is a lot of work on my part, and after finishing the spanish one i'm not eager to jump into another one. (and you might also be surprised by how long the purrgatory script actually is.) sorry!
a bunch of the rooms say something like "there's nothing here, like the room hasn't been made" im very confused because last time i played the game, those rooms were there??? and some of the rooms look completely different, such as the room sean and elijah are in having a pole in the middle???
edit: i tried to redownload it and the mac download is gone. bit disappointed :/
you must have downloaded the demo by accident! it has a completely different storefront and set of downloads. the finished version of the game (the one you're on right now) never had a mac version. have you tried playing it in your browser instead?
aw heck, that's been happening to a lot of people. try google chrome and firefox, and if neither work, you might need to enable webgl. a quick google search will give u tutorials on that. sorry i couldn't help much more
I loved this game! It's really cute. I loved all the characters especially Oliver and Numa even though she scared me sometimes. Her crush on Kyungsoon was so adorable. And I enjoyed getting to know each character. I made an account just so I could comment how much i loved this game. Thank you for creating it. I also love how Sean talked about being able to go to heaven even though he's gay because that's something i've always been concerned about. I just hope that going to the afterlife will be just as comforting and wholesome as this game was!
Once again thank you for creating this lovely game <3
duuude. this is genuinely the best game i've ever played. every aspect of it is so interesting, the depth of each character's design, the description of each object you click on, it's all so cohesive and unique. purrgatory really is its own world, and that is absolutely amazing. i really really enjoyed my time playing this :3 (even though i heavily relied on the hints and solutions...) but from the 3d cat models to the meow piano, i think i've got the purrgatory blues!!!! (amazing song btw) idk what i'd give to experience this game for the first time again but i loved this with my whole entire soul <3
This game is so wonderful <3 I loved the art style, the characters, the story, the dialogue, the memes, SO MUCH WHOLESOME LGBTQ+ REP!!! I really felt invested in the characters and I'm only a little bit gay for natalie. okay I'm a lot gay for natalie.
I absolutely loved this, thank you so much for making it. I felt SO seen by the dialogue options (frickin,,,, "it me" at the end absolutely sent me) and I loved that I really felt like I was truly experiencing everything as myself. Unfortunately, myself has a very poor sense of direction, so I fumbled my way through the map throughout the game's entirety, constantly getting confused which doorway I just came from, but that would be my only nitpick. Overall this was immersive, wonderful, and adorable. Absolutely a 5/5.
Hello, so I played this game in the browser version and everything was alright! Sure the saving took a bit of time but it was bearable! I enjoyed the game quite a lot but then the game crashed alongside my laptop. It made my laptop's screen go black and the music started to glitch out. I had to force shutdown my laptop but now I'm hesitant to continue playing it. Was it because of my saves that it crashed or was it because I was on the browser version? If so, is the windows version safe? I would just like to be sure because I don't want to be scared like last time. I still love the game from the characters I interacted with, them being the Reciptionist Lady, Kyongsoon, and Oliver. Thanks for your time!
aw heck, i'm sorry. i have no clue what caused that. typically the windows version runs smoother, so i think that would be a good thing to try, but i can't promise it'll make a difference. your laptop might just have trouble with this game, especially if it's an older one. sorry!
you have to look at everything including the hill near the area where the fence is if you go left, I'm pretty sure you should reach the hill (I had trouble finding that area)
it'll also hover the shovel over spots you need to dig up if you can't find where to dig
if you are still having trouble maybe look up a video if there are any?
It was an amazing experience. I had so much fun interacting with everyone! I almost squealed when I got to draw with Natalie! It was really nice meeting them one last time in heaven, a wholesome and satisfying ending. 15/10 would recommend.
I LOBED IT!!!!! SM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! super super fun!!! the gameplay was super engaging, the dialogue was realistic and funny, i was at no point bored. i love love loved the characters (especially oliver <333), they were all very individual and engaging. ive played it all the way through once, and i saved six people (sorry natalie :<), but i for sure will play it again in the future!!! my only issue was having to get around the house every time i had to go somewhere, but that just comes with how many different things you could do :D i really had an awesome time, and i hope you make similar games in the future!!! definitely would be looking out for them :]]]
OH MY GOSH!! This was amazing! My first playthrough, I didn't realize the whole character arc process, so I only saved 2 people. Luckily, that meant I got to play this amazing game TWICE!! I love the soundtrack, the characters, the art style, everything!! It's been a while since I've enjoyed a game as much as this. I got really connected + attached to all the characters,,,, ANYWAY! I'm totally gonna try to convince all my friends to play this too, it deserves a lot of hype! Plus, I wanna gush about my headcanons.. This game is a big 10/10 for me! Highly, HIGHLY reccomend to anyone and everyone! :D
completely cool. i played half the game in one day and just finished it today. had to take some hints but it's because i'm dumb in point-and-click games. loved the good ending. thanks.
All the diversity was super fun; of sexuality, pronouns, personality... it was lovely :DDD Made me so incredibly happy and I got the full very happy ending and all the time I spent on the game was 100% worth it!!!
Amazing work on the game, I love the character designs, the design of heaven and purrgatory, dialogue choices (and responses and all that) oozed character for everyone...... it was just perfect!!
Thank you so much for creating this art for anybody to play :D
Amazing game. Got the best ending in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down. It's way past when I like to go to sleep. I do not care. Purrgatory!
I downloaded this and tried to run it but got message my computer couldn't cope. Maybe add a Requirements section above so people won't get excited then disappointed?
Im sorry about that... I've tried to figure out the minimum specs before, but the only way to do it is to test the game on a bunch of devices, and I don't have that many available ): What's the specs on your computer?
I run an older desktop computer running Windows 10 Home. I don't want to add more details cos its not your burden to go thru diagnostics with me .. some problem with a need to update video card drivers but that's not on you. I'm not very techy so it's a slow process to sort problems.
I like that you can also save no-one, not that I did (I saved everyone first go). Can you get yourself stuck in purrgatory, or does the die always choose you?
Also, are the snow globes just an easter-egg or do they change the outcome in some way?
Loved this game. Exactly my sense of humour, and I love Purrgatory as a location. It has this real manic personality that reflects its creator really well. Love Kyungsoon and Numa. And thanks for the hints and solutions guide. I would have spent a long time looking for the last snowglobe otherwise.
:( no mac version and it's not working on firefox. like freezes-the-whole-browser-and-i-have-to-force-quit-it doesn't work. sad. tried it on safari and got "abort(114). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info."
oh no! I dont think safari is supported at all, but firefox and chrome usually perform the best. If those two don't work then i think you might be out of luck ):
I made an account to write this comment, this is pretty much one of my favorite games of all time. I loved the characters and the humor. I can never get enough of this game. And the cat puns. And the milk.
The experience was amazing ! I loafed it. All the characters were interesting and cool to interact with, so was the universe. I was never disappointed with each click, the puns were hilarious and clever. a truly purr-fect game :) I also love the multiple pronouns choice at the beginning, that was fur-midable (ok i'll stop kitten around now, ok i'll stop for real this time I paw-mise, ok this is getting hiss-terical, ok i'm actually done this time ( owo)
β Return to game
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Nyaaaa im torn between defending Oliver or Kyungsoon v.v
Kyungsoon, Kyungsoon good Oliver bad
its a calming lovable experence with a great hand drawn style
what did you use to make the drawings (sorry to be a pest)
Photoshop with the pencil brush :)
cool thanks
Purrgatory was an absolute joy to play. Exceptionally fun dialogue, a super chill BGM, and an incredibly cute art-style to boot. It was a bit confusing navigating through Purrgatory but the charm behind the game kept me going.
I just put up the first part of my playthrough, and I'll probably get down to completing the game next week once I have the time to record again.
Really glad I got this as part of the Queer Games Bundle π
Hello! my game is having a issue, when i press the load button, my game just crashes. I tried to re-install the game but it don't works, i tried to install it on steam too, but the same thing happened, maybe my game data corrupted? is there a way to solve it?
Oh shoot, I'm sorry about that. If you're on Windows, go to C:\Users\(Username)\AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\purrgatory and delete everything in the folder, replacing (Username) with your own username. That should fix it.
Thank you so much! it worked! :)
I think this is the best visual novel I have ever read. You did good :)
Possible spoilers below in the replies tho :)
I love endings like the one you used, always have. It leaves everything open to imagination. While it does suck that there's not a part two (how could I not want one? I love all the characters and the story as a whole), I do still think it was the best choice to give a definitive "goodbye" instead of a "the end?" People are all too afraid to close the book. But if Niv wanted to continue, I don't think I would be opposed to that haha
I read a lot of visual novels, and I genuinely mean it when I say this is up there in one of the best, if not the best. I love each one of the characters, everyone is very 3 dimensional, and I absolutely love that you can make your main character be more you. Not just with pronouns, but also with the whole flashback idea, the ability to come up with a character that feels more yourself is absolutely wonderful, and I feel like it should be put into more games, definitely.
The only complaint I have with the vn is that it ended, that's all. It's perfect in every way and I think people need to take notes, especially when it comes to writing characters.
thank you so much <3
i loved this game so much the ending i got is so sweet im crying i love this so much i love all the characters aaaa this is def one of the best games ive ever played! :)
glad u enjoyed :)
im gonna beat oliver in tic tac toe you cant stop me
good luck :0
I enjoyed the characters quite a lot, but not so much the wandering around and getting turned around at times when the view direction changes, so I got lost a lot of the time trying to vaguely remember where I was supposed to go. I also got the worst ending apparently. :(
I'm sorry about that! There's a map at the bottom of this page if it would help! https://nivrad00.itch.io/purrgatory/devlog/277657/stuck-hints-solutions
HI there, would you like me to translate your game into Esperanto for free? I'm just looking to help the Esperanto community out by getting some more games into the language.
that sounds super cool, but i'll have to pass... due to a variety of factors, implementing a new translation is a lot of work on my part, and after finishing the spanish one i'm not eager to jump into another one. (and you might also be surprised by how long the purrgatory script actually is.) sorry!
a bunch of the rooms say something like "there's nothing here, like the room hasn't been made" im very confused because last time i played the game, those rooms were there??? and some of the rooms look completely different, such as the room sean and elijah are in having a pole in the middle???
edit: i tried to redownload it and the mac download is gone. bit disappointed :/
you must have downloaded the demo by accident! it has a completely different storefront and set of downloads. the finished version of the game (the one you're on right now) never had a mac version. have you tried playing it in your browser instead?
yeah i downloaded the demo by accident-- thanks
i tried to play it on my browser and it says "WebGL not available"
aw heck, that's been happening to a lot of people. try google chrome and firefox, and if neither work, you might need to enable webgl. a quick google search will give u tutorials on that. sorry i couldn't help much more
its okay, thank you for your help-- from what ive played, the game is great!
i adore this game and the story so much, i savedd everyone the first playthrough!
i love kyungsoon, they're jus a whole vibe, and so relatable. i too, enjoy eating everything.
i cant wait to see more from you, and im off to play other games you've worked on!
I loved this game! It's really cute. I loved all the characters especially Oliver and Numa even though she scared me sometimes. Her crush on Kyungsoon was so adorable. And I enjoyed getting to know each character. I made an account just so I could comment how much i loved this game. Thank you for creating it. I also love how Sean talked about being able to go to heaven even though he's gay because that's something i've always been concerned about. I just hope that going to the afterlife will be just as comforting and wholesome as this game was!
Once again thank you for creating this lovely game <3
duuude. this is genuinely the best game i've ever played. every aspect of it is so interesting, the depth of each character's design, the description of each object you click on, it's all so cohesive and unique. purrgatory really is its own world, and that is absolutely amazing. i really really enjoyed my time playing this :3 (even though i heavily relied on the hints and solutions...) but from the 3d cat models to the meow piano, i think i've got the purrgatory blues!!!! (amazing song btw) idk what i'd give to experience this game for the first time again but i loved this with my whole entire soul <3
ty <3
This game is so wonderful <3 I loved the art style, the characters, the story, the dialogue,
the memes, SO MUCH WHOLESOME LGBTQ+ REP!!! I really felt invested in the characters and I'm only a little bit gay for natalie. okay I'm a lot gay for natalie.I absolutely loved this, thank you so much for making it. I felt SO seen by the dialogue options (frickin,,,, "it me" at the end absolutely sent me) and I loved that I really felt like I was truly experiencing everything as myself. Unfortunately, myself has a very poor sense of direction, so I fumbled my way through the map throughout the game's entirety, constantly getting confused which doorway I just came from, but that would be my only nitpick. Overall this was immersive, wonderful, and adorable. Absolutely a 5/5.
Also, dragons!!!
ty!! So true bestie!!
ty!! So true bestie!!
where did y'all find the drawing on this wall lmao
this is such a fun game! i love all the characters :D
awesome :D
Hello, so I played this game in the browser version and everything was alright! Sure the saving took a bit of time but it was bearable! I enjoyed the game quite a lot but then the game crashed alongside my laptop. It made my laptop's screen go black and the music started to glitch out. I had to force shutdown my laptop but now I'm hesitant to continue playing it. Was it because of my saves that it crashed or was it because I was on the browser version? If so, is the windows version safe? I would just like to be sure because I don't want to be scared like last time. I still love the game from the characters I interacted with, them being the Reciptionist Lady, Kyongsoon, and Oliver. Thanks for your time!
aw heck, i'm sorry. i have no clue what caused that. typically the windows version runs smoother, so i think that would be a good thing to try, but i can't promise it'll make a difference. your laptop might just have trouble with this game, especially if it's an older one. sorry!
It's fine! Thanks for replying and informing me about it! Still hope any other developments run smoothly nevertheless!
I can't find the rest of the dig spots for tori, I even looked at the hits provided on this page and still have 13/16. Can anyone help?
you have to look at everything including the hill near the area where the fence is if you go left, I'm pretty sure you should reach the hill (I had trouble finding that area)
it'll also hover the shovel over spots you need to dig up if you can't find where to dig
if you are still having trouble maybe look up a video if there are any?
check this video at 29:30 ;3
Thanks for the help, i figured it out!
Started giving it a try-out ;0
hehe thanks for playing
yo its Neco! very cool gameplay
It was an amazing experience. I had so much fun interacting with everyone! I almost squealed when I got to draw with Natalie! It was really nice meeting them one last time in heaven, a wholesome and satisfying ending. 15/10 would recommend.
aww, very wholesome :)
so good c:
thank you for good game <3
u are welcome
i'm so incredibly emotional over this game! i lost track of time when playing because i was hella immersed. also the song at the end <3 <3 <3
I LOBED IT!!!!! SM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! super super fun!!! the gameplay was super engaging, the dialogue was realistic and funny, i was at no point bored. i love love loved the characters (especially oliver <333), they were all very individual and engaging. ive played it all the way through once, and i saved six people (sorry natalie :<), but i for sure will play it again in the future!!! my only issue was having to get around the house every time i had to go somewhere, but that just comes with how many different things you could do :D i really had an awesome time, and i hope you make similar games in the future!!! definitely would be looking out for them :]]]
ty!!! :]
ty!! yippee :3
no way i also drew yippee
completely cool. i played half the game in one day and just finished it today. had to take some hints but it's because i'm dumb in point-and-click games. loved the good ending. thanks.
Aw man I want to play this so bad but it says WebGL not available when I try to play in browser! (I'm on Mac using Chrome)
hmm, you may have to enable it... try this? https://www.thewindowsclub.com/webgl-is-not-supported-on-chrome-firefox
All the diversity was super fun; of sexuality, pronouns, personality... it was lovely :DDD
Made me so incredibly happy and I got the full very happy ending and all the time I spent on the game was 100% worth it!!!
Amazing work on the game, I love the character designs, the design of heaven and purrgatory, dialogue choices (and responses and all that) oozed character for everyone...... it was just perfect!!
Thank you so much for creating this art for anybody to play :D
Amazing game. Got the best ending in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down. It's way past when I like to go to sleep. I do not care. Purrgatory!
I downloaded this and tried to run it but got message my computer couldn't cope. Maybe add a Requirements section above so people won't get excited then disappointed?
Im sorry about that... I've tried to figure out the minimum specs before, but the only way to do it is to test the game on a bunch of devices, and I don't have that many available ): What's the specs on your computer?
I run an older desktop computer running Windows 10 Home. I don't want to add more details cos its not your burden to go thru diagnostics with me .. some problem with a need to update video card drivers but that's not on you. I'm not very techy so it's a slow process to sort problems.
Gotcha, sorry anyway!
finished the game, saved everyone and it made me so happyyyy
Why did the purrgatory blues song make me cry o(TγTo)
Yay TwT
This game is great, I haven't finished it yet but it's so cute so far! My favorite character is Kyungsoon :D
hell yeah
This was such a fun way to spend Friday night :3
I like that you can also save no-one, not that I did (I saved everyone first go). Can you get yourself stuck in purrgatory, or does the die always choose you?
Also, are the snow globes just an easter-egg or do they change the outcome in some way?
the die always chooses you :) and yeah the snowglobes don't do anything
i saved all of them!!! (( and also drew a furry w natalie (((really cool))) ))))
Loved this game. Exactly my sense of humour, and I love Purrgatory as a location. It has this real manic personality that reflects its creator really well. Love Kyungsoon and Numa. And thanks for the hints and solutions guide. I would have spent a long time looking for the last snowglobe otherwise.
This is a great game! Has anyone actually saved everyone before?
yes! give it a shot!
a masterpiece, many crash but still a masterpiece
Sorry >w<
:( no mac version and it's not working on firefox. like freezes-the-whole-browser-and-i-have-to-force-quit-it doesn't work. sad. tried it on safari and got "abort(114). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info."
oh no! I dont think safari is supported at all, but firefox and chrome usually perform the best. If those two don't work then i think you might be out of luck ):
i'll try chrome. i just don't usually use it because it makes my computer run slow but
I made an account to write this comment, this is pretty much one of my favorite games of all time. I loved the characters and the humor. I can never get enough of this game. And the cat puns. And the milk.
thank u mr. 7
The experience was amazing ! I loafed it. All the characters were interesting and cool to interact with, so was the universe. I was never disappointed with each click, the puns were hilarious and clever. a truly purr-fect game :) I also love the multiple pronouns choice at the beginning, that was fur-midable (ok i'll stop kitten around now, ok i'll stop for real this time I paw-mise, ok this is getting hiss-terical, ok i'm actually done this time ( owo)
what a respect-fur review!