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im a little stuck, where should the light source be for when the lights go out? i cant find it.

one of the characters in purrgatory has it... what animal is attracted to light? :3c

ty! and is there a way to get a cup for oliver after the cup has been knocked down? ive been looking for quite a bit

nope, probably best to go back and check up on oliver at that point!

natalie's room


Okay I finished it and I love it! Thank you for this.

(slight spoiler)I was a bit disappointed in some parts like the secret door when you put all the 7 snowglobes and this girl eat everything but it was a really good game!

thank you for playing!!

{slight spoilers} this game is super cute and well written! im very happy to have stumbled apon it, but i am stuck trying to find natilie, does anyone have tips?

to get to natalie, you have to go through the museum's back exit, go up an escalator, go through a warehouse, and find an attic. have you done all that? :)



[spoilers] hey I'm about to call the devil but I wanna do everything first, is the elevator something? Like is supposed to be anything? How about the door that Tori is sitting, waiting to open but doesn't?

i can confirm there is nothing special to the elevator or tori's door. make sure to go to the pause menu, though -- if you've completed everything, you should see a rainbow of colors :)

i can't seem to find the kitchen, or a flashlight ;~;


have you found the attic where natalie lives? both of the things you need should be in or near there. (though the light source might not be a flashlight!)

i think i found the attic, the place with "no keyhole" ? and ohhh ill keep the flashlight thing in mind!


not quite, sorry -- there's ANOTHER attic nearby

oh gosh okay- Iโ€™ll try to find it cx 

Any chance of knowing where the seventh globe is?


have u checked the library?


Great game btw

thank uu :3


nice game.  the music is yours? Very interesting

(1 edit) (+1)

ty! "welcome to purrgatory" and "the meowseum" were composed by brandon warren a.k.a. wiz, but yes, everything else is mine ^^


Hi, I love this game but someone can tell me where do I find the cup to give orange soda to Oliver?


hmmm, where could one find a cup? perhaps in a kitchen? ;3


Omg thank youuuu


I looked but the cat pushed it off the counter.. am I missing something??

[minor spoilerz]

ahhh for luciferz number how do you dial it?? ive tried everything i can think of but nothingz working twt


letters = numbers

(3 edits)

when you come across a letter in the phone number, just replace it with the number that has that letter on the button. so if you were dialing 555-NIV, you would enter 555648 and hit dial. hope that helps ;w;

ahh thank you :]

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I cant find owl lady ;-; 

maybe focus on doing something else and come back to that errand later -- i'm sure you'll stumble across her eventually :3

(1 edit)

ohhhh oki, i am trying to find someone to help with the poem... but i cant find anyone

Edit- I am an Idiot and did not know there was a place i did not check out

aaaah, i see. i know the navigation isn't super intuitive, so i apologize for getting you stuck -- you're not the only person who's had trouble finding all the locations dlskgre


It was a great experience. I'm curious, how long did it take you to make this game?

two years, more or less... i only planned for this project to take a couple months, but progress ended up being quite slow due to personal reasons. thankfully i persevered :3

(2 edits) (+1)

I know that feeling. A drawing that should've taken "2 days at most" took me 2 whole months. Of course, what you accomplished here was much harder. I'm glad that you didn't give up!



(worth every day waiting, tbh <3)

aaww ty

Im not sure what to do because There is a part where you are supposed to go down in a deep area, but I just get stuck, like nothing happens. 

you mean you can't move at all, or you went down for a while and then got stuck? if it's the first, maybe try saving, restarting the game, and loading your file again. if it's the second, there's probably something you need to click.

ok thanks

the end?

if you see that, you may want to load an earlier save and search for a better ending!

i got "the end?" too. there are multiple endings?!?!

(1 edit)

you bet :3

the games pretty funny, but i was wondering,

are there more endings? secrets and stuff. i cant seem to find any, but i feel life theres a bunch im missing.

please tell me your secrets

also great game, it is amazing

ty! there are more or less two endings, a "bad" one and a "good" one. imo if you've found the good ending then there's not much else to see other than a few easter eggs :)

finally completed all the tasks and got to heaven

that took forever but was so worth it. the heaven backgrounds look so good

there was no many references too, i think i got most of them

but after all that, i still cant find the final snow globe. do you think you could leave a hint for where it is? 

thanks for such a good game


have you found the snowglobe in the library? how about the snowglobe in the lockers? or the snowglobe in the closet? ;3


Thanks so much I missed the one in the library

…did kyungsoon eat the secret exit?

ur welcome, hehehe


*Some Spoilers* This game was amazing, my favorite scene was natile and tori freaking out about "Nocturnal". I still have some unfinished questions I'd like to come back to, like the snowglobes (I got six) and what happens if you help no one. Overall this is a game to remember!

thank u, i'm glad u enjoyed!!


whats the lucifur phone number code im not smart enough to do it 

(1 edit)

you just press each button once! for example, if you wanted to dial NIV, you'd press the button with N on it --which is 6 -- followed by the button with I on it -- which is 4 -- and so on, to get 648. does that help?

Its heeeere at last! Woooo!


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