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i did it.. but i saved only 3 ppl... its tori sean and eljah

thx for angzarr anyway

i found out lucifur... ofc lucifur is red as hell.


is it just me who really wants to see how our character looks like


I think not seeing your character is part of the point, because your character is you. Like when you get to choose your name and pronouns, or when it all goes dark and you get to choose stuff about yourself, for every person playing, their character would look different. Pretty much, just, imagine your fursona. That's what your character looks like.


Not even kidding this is the best and most unique game I have played in years!

thank you niv but what are devil number in this game



Type it into the phone

thank you for hint... and lucifur...

(1 edit) (+1)

got it...


parsonal only
door with exit sign (so you have to do something special to be able to open the door? I don't know)
return Nathalies books
go to the phone and call the number (for the letters just type the corresponing numbers on the keys of the phone)

how u finished game?
i got confused of this...

if you want to get the good ending, help all of the characters then call lucifur

- first meet all characters - wait around and talk to them. some you may need to choose the correct options - always be kind and helpful: (well, if you want to) theres some really heart warming stuff if you get far enough. <3

- if you're unsure if you've finished the quests for each character, click the options menu on the top left of the screen - you should the characters' heads: colourless, just the outline if you havne't completed their quests, coloured in with their respective colours if you have. (for example: tori coloured in orange)

- it's ok if you're stuck! theres a guide on steam: i dont have the link rn but it's down there in a comment 

- then call lucifur(the phone in the room kyungsoon is in - the purple looking hyena) when you're done the quests: his phone number is 5555824387

gl! - i'm not giving any spoilers - it's best if you explore yourself!



this was the first point visual novel type game I played that really drew me in. I think about it often. I adore all the details and efforts that went into this and it felt comforting to play. <3 :)

This game was so fun omg, I ADORED all the characters with their different personalities and stories, totally thinkin bout' drawing them even though I don't know how to draw animals :p

Just finished the game and what a journey it was...I was on a call with a friend and randomly remembered this game existed and gave it a shot. I thought it would be shorter and not as well fleshed-out as this. Love the storyline, characters, music and of course, all the cats. I'd say Sean and Natalie are my favourites :) I hope you release more games soon! Thank you for Purrgatory! <3

meowseum padlock 1234 if someone needs this

how did i not think of this

Does anyone know if it's possible to open the door on the top floor?


bro needs to learn the same lesson as tori


wish it wasnt over but it was fun while it lasted

the characters where crafted amazingly well

and the closing song? perfection.

11/10 great game

This game is a pog, but how do I save people? >->.

Complete their quest lines, if done correctly, they should be colored in the menu.


gay snake on cat piano made me cry

How do you help Natalie for the good ending.


you mostly just have to wait around and check in on her every once and a while


This game has genuinely impacted me. I thought it would just be a silly cat clicker game--I went in completely blind. I normally wouldn't even try VN's out like this..didn't even read the desc, thought it would be a quick game I could giggle about.

..5 hours later, I'm crying in my bed because I'm so moved. These characters are expertly written, and I will miss interacting with them so much. They felt so real. Thank you so much for creating has been one of the most pleasant gaming experiences I've ever had.

Really enjoyed this one. The story was nice and simple while each character had a lot to them, spent a good amount of time listening to Natalie rant about their webcomic. The little rat man was my favorite part. Has a lot to do so it can be a long run, enjoyable would recommend 5/5 

guys is sean's partner supposed to be ur name or did i just accidentally have the exact same name-

It's the latter and a coincidence. Dani is the name of Sean's partner.


thats really funny and also really confused me for a sec lol

I hope we cleared up the confusion now.


yeah thanks


Just a coincidence :)


Can someone tell me the location of all 7 snow globes plssssssss???

The developer has posted a guide on the Steam that includes the locations of the snow globes under the general chapter.

I am using Ipad air and chrome to run the browser version of the game and it works until i have to type in my name and there is no way of making the keyboard show up so i cant type and cant continue the game without a name so i get stuck there. PLEASE HELP. Other browsers like safari and opera simply dont work.

I think its meant to be pc only lolol

Try firefox ig 


i have no idea what to do


the only thing i ever cared about in this game was the piano


i have a piano at home so i know how to do stuff on it

you're really missing a lot...

I was looking for an inspiring VN to get my creative juices flowing and instead got awe-struck by the lovable characters, heartwarming stories, and CATS OMG THE CATS.

Lovelovelovelove it! ***** FIVE STARS


Im stuck at the part where the lights are out what do I do


you go to natalie's place and get a candle. hope this helps!!!


where is natalies place!!!!


it's the attic, if I remember well, you go to the elevator, go pass those containers and turn left then go all the way up (that's the idea)


I love this game so much, I played it at least a year ago and I still think about it frequently. I love the atmosphere and making friends with the characters, and sometimes I really wish I could spend some time there to relax.

(1 edit) (+1)

Same!! I also played this game about a year or more ago, and was reminded of it when browsing the best free browser game I've ever played! Very relaxing and I love the game's unique personality and aesthetic, it's kinda like liminal spaces except not scary or lonely <3 <3 <3

what device and browser do u use? Cuz i use ipad and when in the beginning of the game i have to enter my name the keyboard doesn’t show up so i get stuck there…

I thunk its pc only



i cannot believe the meowseum pass was 1234-


i found this game all the way back in 2022... didnt finish it but i came back finally after finishing yr12... BLESS THIS GAME/STORY BLESS NIV BLESS EVERYONE WHO WORKED ON IT! i love purrgatory 


I cried (10/10 love the game so much)

(2 edits) (+2)

This was such a gem, oh my meow. The good ending was so amazing, I loved the song at the end, and am now in desperate need to have it on spotify. The Cat-racters were all so well thought through, I loved all of them. 

Also, this might just be me, but the only reason I got the bad ending, was because I was too busy trying to please everyone without pushing. I was worried if i did something wrong, I wouldn't be able to help them in any way, but I guess that just puts everything into perspective. 

"Just because you think it's right, doesn't mean it is."

And so, that concludes. This was a hell of a roller-coaster from purrgatory, all the way to heaven.

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Does anyone know of games similar to this or the creator's other work? i freaking love this game so much. I played it during school and my friends kept getting mad at me because I was so preoccupied with playing it. literally would devote my life to this game if it had part 2. 

(1 edit) (+4)

I have never played a game like this before. 
while searching the internet for a text-based game after losing interest in one I've been playing a while, Torn, i stumbled upon this. Although its not what i was looking for, i figured the characters look cute, i love cats, and it seems something my style. 
upon hopping into purrgatory and looking around the map, its as though it could be nearly endless and  seemingly impossible to piece together. by the end of the game i knew the layout of purrgatory like the back of my hand (yet i could never figure out a more convenient way to natalies.)
each character is given such a unique personality that fits the animal theyve been given and the mannerisms in their speech, as well as an intricately thought out life and death individually.
after finishing the game and crying when it was over, i realize i wasnt just incredibly happy i played, but that i was sad it was over. finishing the game felt like i was actually saying farewell to the characters, the home we made of purrgatory, and farewell to the conversations we had.
playing this game everyday after college for a week was genuinely the highlight of my day. I played again for a different ending, and then again for another. 
now here i am, making an account on despite the fact ive been using this browser forever and never made one.. all so i could tell you how much comfort and peace this game brought me. 
finishing this game made me sad i had truly done it all. and also in denial that i ever did; ill be playing one final time to search for any easter eggs i may have missed. (i know at least one i missed)

niv, this game is something to be proud of. the imagination, care, effort, and time put into this game is truly astounding. i felt like i got to know you as the creator as i learned about each character and as i explored around the map. thank you for the best week of college ive had in a while.



I loved this so much!! Such a wholesome experience.


I went to heaven by myself😭 I'm playing this again to save them all!✊

and the puns? absolutely hilarious man lmfao


I ran across this by chance and I was immediately hooked. It has a beautiful story and compelling characters. 

(2 edits) (+2)

Someone please tell me how to put Lucifurs number in! Someone please help? And yes my brain can understand this game and mesmerize all the rooms but putting in a phone number is where my brain says nope.

Just realized the solutions link thank you for adding this it helps a lot

Do you see that the numbers have letters? arrange them so they say "lucifur" (sorry, i'm using traductor)

wait could you type the numbers im kinda slo


this is the number: 5555824387


(1 edit) (+1)

saw the half-life gnome and got the reference immediately

just finished the game and its so good I loved every second of this

oh and the stress level zero clock!


holy hiss this is great why didnt i play this before

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