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This was cool! It was chilling to see the patterns become more and more... lifelike, I guess, as you dig deeper (not sure if that's intended or just coincidence/confirmation bias on my part), and the music gave me this odd sense of dread - like I was venturing somewhere deep and unknown.

I didn't quite reach the bottom (bombing through dense zones got to be fairly repetitive after a while), but I enjoyed it nonetheless and feel inspired to check this stuff out a bit more myself!


ty ghast!!


Ohh, I love this! But after quitting out and restarting the story mode when all the way at the bottom I got stuck in the black void under the map with a high pitched note playing in the background


oh no! I'll try to push out a fix for that when I have time... i can make sure the new version will preserve and fix your save without having to start from the beginning.


I think I fixed it! try downloading the new version and see if it's fixed.