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published 69 days ago

update plz?


Unfortunately I got other things going on =w=

I Love the Game but The typing minigames were WAY too hard

ty! yea that's my bad, i really overestimated people's average typing speeds sdflgj

I really like the idea but there are very few games here. I've played about ten times and I've never seen the puzzle or racing genre and many of the combinations have never happened. Fun game just needs more work.

Thanks! You're totally correct -- puzzle and racing are not implemented, and neither are the fps/typing and platformer/typing combos. You might have also missed some combos due to the poor randomization. Would love to fix this and more in future updates :)

is this a hint that the post jam version is going to add a puzzle and racing card?

lol possibly, i do have them in my notes


i have a few ideas for how to mix genres if you do add them

a puzzle platformer would be... a puzzle platformer

a dual puzzle would possibly be a puzzle?

Very fun and addictive but typing games are very difficult

Thanks! Hehe yeah I might have overestimated the average person's typing ability a little